Da da daaaa--, da da daaaa--, da da daaa, dada dadda dada DAA DA* (*theme from Rocky) As I walk down Wedgewood Drive to my friend Kimball’s house I hear the theme from Rocky blasting….as her house gets into sight I am greeted by pink balloons and pink ribbons in all sizes. My 4 friends (wearing Fight Like A GIRL tee shirts) have been my anchors through this whole storm are standing on the stairs cheering me on! I pick up the pace and start doing my best Rocky moves---I run up the steps (just like Rocky did in his famous scene) I jump my “first hurdle completed” that they have constructed for me. My girls, my buds, my amigos, my cheerleaders, I get teary eyed just writing this. There is so much more to this story, so much I have to tell, but I find that I keep putting off writing in my blog, because I want to convey so much this crazy, overwhelming, scary, enlightening journey that cancer has been , I want to share with everyone the Grace that has covered me,and the love I have been surrounded by-- but I stop short --always lacking in time to justify what I am feeling in my heart. So I am going to try and let go of this, and just write...ANYWAY, back to Rocky and my BURYING CHEMO PARTY!!! So Kimball, Elizabeth, Lisa , Whitney Ann, and My sweet Bill (Kimball’s husband) decide to throw me a little shindig in celebration of completing my chemo. We have a "burying chemo party", complete with Tombstone and open grave. I tossed my “chemo” into the grave and smothered it with dirt. I want to share with everyone (I have it signed and framed and hanging in room) the poem that Bill wrote for me and read during our ceremony….So Here it goes…
Chemo…Friend and Foe
Well here we are old friend, it’s time for you to go.
We’re a little sorry to say it, because she really did need you so.
You charged into our world like an uninvited guest,
It’s weird how you knock people down, to enable them to be their best
It’s on to other things, there’s more for us to do.
We’ll take on the next challenge, there’s no more need for you.
You were quite an adversary: almost beat her to the ground
The pretty girl from Kentucky knocked you out after the 16th round!
You’re to be admired for a job well done; you’re valiant with your work.
But if you stay around any longer, our Tammy may go berserk!
So your job here is over, we gonna have to let you go.
Sayonara Chemotherapy….You were both friend and foe!
SO with this first Hurdle over, I Praise Jesus…Now it is on to the second Hurdle…I have no doubt that I will clear it with flying colors…How can I not? I am blessed with the best friends in the world who are there to lift me up!